Tetraetoxytantalum tetramethylheptanedionate

Synonym: (EtO)4TaTMHD, (OC-6-22)-Tetraethoxy(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato-κO3,κO5)tantalum
CAS Number 177580-52-8

Tetraetoxytantalum tetramethylheptanedionate Chemical Structure

Product CodeTA0528
CAS Number177580-52-8
Assay (purity)98%+
Purity methodby elemental analysis
Molecular weight562.51
AppearanceYellow Liquid
Melting point26C
Molecular formulaC20H45O6Ta
Linear formulaC20H45O6Ta

Ereztech manufactures and sells this product in small and bulk volumes. Glass ampules, bottles or metal ampules or bubblers are available for packaging. For additional analytical information or details about purchasing Tetraetoxytantalum tetramethylheptanedionate contact us at sales@ereztech.com

Safety information

In TSCA registryNo (sold for research and development usage only)

Certificates of analysis (CoA)

If you don’t see the needed lot of Tetraetoxytantalum tetramethylheptanedionate below please contact customer support at sales@ereztech.com

External identifiers for (EtO)4TaTMHD


Ereztech synthesizes and sells additional TA-compounds.

To purchase Tetraetoxytantalum tetramethylheptanedionate contact us at sales@ereztech.com