Tungsten hexacarbonyl

Synonym: Hexacarbonyltungsten, Tungsten Carbonyl, Hexakis(Carbon Monoxide) Tungsten, Hexacarbonyl wolfram
CAS Number 14040-11-0 | MDL Number MFCD00011462 | EC Number 237-880-2

Tungsten hexacarbonyl Chemical Structure

Product CodeW0110
CAS Number14040-11-0
Assay (purity)99%+
Purity methodby titration
Molecular weight351.90
Appearancewhite crystalline powder
Molecular formulaC6O6W
Linear formulaW(CO)6

Ereztech manufactures and sells this product in small and bulk volumes. Glass ampules, bottles or metal ampules or bubblers are available for packaging. For additional analytical information or details about purchasing Tungsten hexacarbonyl contact us at sales@ereztech.com

Safety information

Hazardous class6.1
Packing groupIII
In TSCA registryYes

Certificates of analysis (CoA)

If you don’t see the needed lot of Tungsten hexacarbonyl below please contact customer support at sales@ereztech.com

Lot# 5R100618 Lot# 5R10720 Lot# 5R140220 Lot# 5R21620 Lot# 5R24301020 Lot# 5R35920 Lot# 5R70719-1 Lot# 5R70719-2 Lot# 5R70719 Lot# Rd102017

External identifiers for Hexacarbonyltungsten

Pubchem CID98884
IUPAC Namecarbon monoxide;tungsten
InchI IdentifierInChI=1S/6CO.W/c6*1-2;

Ereztech synthesizes and sells additional W-compounds.

To purchase Tungsten hexacarbonyl contact us at sales@ereztech.com