Niobium tetraethoxy dimethylaminoethoxide

Synonym: Nb(OEt)4(dmae), Nb(OEt)4(Me2NCH2CH2O), NbTDMAE, (OC-6-23)-[2-(Dimethylamino-κN)ethanolato-κO]tetraethoxyniobium
CAS Number 359847-15-7

Niobium tetraethoxy dimethylaminoethoxide Chemical Structure

Product CodeNB7157
CAS Number359847-15-7
Assay (purity)98%
Purity methodby integration NMR
Metal purity99.99%-Nb
Molecular weight361.28
Appearanceyellow to orange
Sensitivityair, moisture
NMRconforms to structure
Molecular formulaC12H30NO5Nb
Linear formulaNb(OC2H5)4OCH2CH2N(CH)2

Ereztech manufactures and sells this product in small and bulk volumes. Glass ampules, bottles or metal ampules or bubblers are available for packaging. For additional analytical information or details about purchasing Niobium tetraethoxy dimethylaminoethoxide contact us at

Safety information

Signal wordWARNING
Hazard statementsH303, H313, H315, H319, H332, H335
Precautionary statementsP261, P264, P271, P280, P302+P352, P304+P312, P304+P340, P305+P351+P338, P312, P321, P332+P313, P337+P313, P362, P403+P233, P405, P501
In TSCA registryNo (sold for research and development usage only)

Certificates of analysis (CoA)

If you don’t see the needed lot of Niobium tetraethoxy dimethylaminoethoxide below please contact customer support at

Lot# 015840 Lot# 019276 Lot# 019285

External identifiers for Nb(OEt)4(dmae)


Ereztech synthesizes and sells additional NB-compounds.

To purchase Niobium tetraethoxy dimethylaminoethoxide contact us at