Zirconium diisopropoxide bis(dimethylaminoethoxide) CAS 65281-23-4

Zirconium(IV) diisopropoxide bis(dimethylaminoethoxide)

Synonym: Zr(Oi-Pr)2(dmae)2

CAS Number 65281-23-4 


Product code ZR1234
CAS number 65281-23-4
Assay (purity) 98%+
Purity method by elemental analysis: % C = 42.7 % H = 8.7 %
NMR H1 conforms to structure
Form liquid or solid
Appearance colorless oily liquid or solid
Sensitivity air, moisture
Molecular formula C14H34O4N2Zr
Linear formula Zr(OC3H7)2[OCH2CH2N(CH3)2]2
Packaging glassware/metal containers/bubblers

Zirconium(IV) diisopropoxide bis(dimethylaminoethoxide) is the zirconium aminoalkoxide precursor that was used for growing zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) thin films by alternate surface reactions between new aminoalkoxides and water by the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). See links below

Ereztech manufactures and sells this product in small and bulk volumes. Glass ampules, bottles or metal ampules or bubblers are available for packaging. For additional analytical information or details about purchasing ZR1234 contact us at sales@ereztech.com

Safety information

UN Not regulated
Hazardous class Not regulated
Packing group Not regulated
Pictograms GHS07
Signal word WARNING
Hazard statements H315-H319-H335
Precautionary statements P261-P264-P271-P280-P302 + P352-P304 + P340-P305 + P351 + P338-P312-P332 + P313-P337 + P313-P362
Transport description NONH for all modes of transport
In TSCA registry No (research and development usage only)


Certificates of Analysis (CoA)

If you don’t see the needed lot of Zirconium(IV) diisopropoxide bis(dimethylaminoethoxide) below please contact customer support at sales@ereztech.com

Lot# 015/824

Known applications and external links

With Zirconium(IV) diisopropoxide bis(dimethylaminoethoxide) other customers often ask:

Ereztech synthesizes and sells additional ZR-compounds.

To purchase ZR1234 contact us at sales@ereztech.com